Monday, June 1, 2009

Set Pace Now: Teach Others How to Set the Pace and Reach Goals

When I refer to setting the pace, set pace now, or pacesetting, I'm referring to a mentality that has been developed and physically demonstrated with intent to produce positive results in any chosen field. There are many similarities to the ways we were taught by mom or any motherlike figure. Those lessons, are designed for duplication and once applied properly, can create many wonderful opportunities whether it's spiritual, financial, physical, mental, emotional, or social.

In this case, those lessons from mom will be analagous to the business world, and mom stands for:


M.O.M. is a system of teachings that will produce success for those who are aware and applies its lessons.


Effective marketing takes a strong will, a keen awareness, and a sincere interest in people. In the marketing world, an individual learns and grows through countless experiments and many trials and errors. One has to create, or adhere to a system which will yield positive results and can be shared and taught to others. Learn the importance of using a system and it can assist you in creating or taking part in new opportunities.


The word "opportunity" is almost synonymous with the word "business", and are often used together. Opportunities present themselves to those that are prepared for it. If you become effective at marketing yourself and understanding the power of marketing, new opportunities will continue to unfold and create strong momentum.


Once created, can become a lot of fun. Your awareness level has grown and expanded and you are able to move forward with your tasks. Every successful business is good at creating, maintaining, and advancing momentum.

Mom has taught us many priceless lessons and here are a few examples how M.O.M. has helped us to become perpetual pacesetters.

Feed- Information
Protect- From Negatives
Clean- Image for Success
Teach- Survival
Chastise- Builds our confidence; Breaks us when we need discipline; Builds our self-esteem and reassures us that there is a system in place that works.
Ween- Teaches us to expand our comfort zones
Give Birth- Hands us the opportunity to grow

This system is used to raise families worldwide. These principles, if properly applied to the business you are involved in, can help you improve tremendously, assist you in reaching and setting higher goals, and helps you to set the pace now!

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